Wells College Students

With announced closure, learn how EC can help.箭头

According to 拉里公园er II, Director of Diversity, 股本, and Inclusion (DEI) and 第九条 Coordinator at Elmira College, 在他年轻时认识他的人都不会想到他会成为一个拥有多个研究生学位的人, a college director, a community leader, 或者是一个作者. Yet Parker can claim all of those achievements. 这也是帕克被任命为车芒县人际关系委员会(CCHRC)成员的原因,也是他被邀请在该组织最近的年度早餐会上发言的原因.

不幸的是,帕克因病不能在早餐会上说话. 然而, Juhura Shazer, 车芒县人际关系执行主任兼人际关系委员会主席, stepped in and shared Parker’s story. Shazer谈到了帕克是如何从高中辍学的,但后来他得到了必要的指导,不仅拿到了学士学位,还拿到了硕士学位,以及他现在是如何走上获得战略领导力博士学位的道路的.

“Juhura和我想在早餐会上和大家分享的信息是,我们有机会帮助下一代取得成功,” said Parker. “If you look at the person I was at age 17 or 18, 你可能会认为大学和事业上的成功是不可能的. 但如果我能经历转变,那么其他人也有希望做到.”

Parker attributed his transformation to his wife, 朋友, and mentors who helped him at just the right moments. 例如,当帕克开始攻读在线学位时,他家里没有Wi-Fi接入. His friend David Ellis, who is now Executive Director of the Chemung County Youth Bureau, stepped in and helped. He told Parker that he would get up early, 熬夜, 并不惜一切代价让帕克获得完成课程所需的权限.

In another example Parker shared, valuable advice came from a stranger. 在经过多轮面试之后,他找到了自己感兴趣的职位, one of the interviewers called to say they chose another candidate. 帕克鼓起勇气向面试官寻求建议,面试官花了40分钟指导他如何更好地为未来的成功定位.


That’s why today, along with his fellow CCHRC members, 帕克帮助与mg冰球突破豪华版下载地区代表性不足的社区接触. CCHRC成员帮助那些经历过种族主义或偏见的人了解如何向县机构提出正式索赔. 他们找到了将社区联系在一起的方法,并突出了可能被忽视的地区青年的才能. They are also building pathways for young adults to find jobs, especially as those roles become increasingly competitive.


帕克还利用他的CCHRC角色在当地社区和mg冰球突破豪华版下载之间建立了更多的桥梁. In his DEI role, 他组织讲者前来与EC学生分享他们的人生旅程,并提供职业和领导技巧.

For Black 历史 Month, 帕克帮助组织了一系列以mg冰球突破豪华版下载地区的黑人专业人士为特色的活动. They will share their experiences on a range of topics, including local history, 音乐, 以及今天黑人在创造未来历史中的贡献. The events are free and open to the general public.

“我的人生目标是参与、贡献,并希望能造福我所在社区的人们. I am just honored to contribute any way I can,” said Parker.

“Community is what we are here for,” said Shazer, who also serves as the Lead Pastor at the City of Light Church. “这是我早上起床的原因,也是我休息时保持动力的原因. 在人际关系委员会上与这些专业人士和社区领袖合作是消除障碍和为他人成功创造途径的重要组成部分.”

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